140804 Gaza Up-date.
4th August 2014
Dear Friends
Almost Tisha b’Av – the 9th of Av which begins tonight. Tisha b’Av which commemorates the fall of both first and second Temples and the day in 132 CE when the Romans slaughtered 100,000 Jews in Betar, near Jerusalem. It is a fast day of great importance and a day of destiny. It demands of us to pray, to fast and to remember the decimation of Jewish communities during the Crusades and of course the Holocaust. Tisha b’Av – tonight as yet again we fight for our survival
“UN Blasts Israel for Not Sharing Iron Dome with Hamas. UN’s human rights official condemns Israel for “war crimes”, cites its failure to share Iron Dome with the “governing authority” of Gaza.
“In what may be one of the most ridiculous accusations yet against Israel, the UN’s top human rights official condemned Israel on Thursday for failing to share the Iron Dome anti-missile system with Hamas…”
Last night I interviewed a local Jerusalem Arab, Hamdi is a good guy who lives on the Mount of Olives. He told us that Jerusalem is aflame – including all the surrounding towns and villages. We were amazed when he said that if he goes to visit family in Ramallah he is yelled at and worse because he is Israeli. It is a no win situation for him. Because of the riots near his home the police sprayed the rioters with “skunk water”, self-explanatory, and the stench stays on the streets not just the rioters making it impossible to open a window. He also told us that Ramallah is a thoroughly modern with huge villas and fine houses. He says that 80% of the money intended for Palestinians and Gazans winds up in the pockets of Ramallah.
This morning I spoke to another young Arab who hails from Shoefat and asked him about last nights interview. He said it is all true but that today things have quietened and he was able to get to work without harassment.
The IDF ground troops are gradually leaving Gaza, their target of destroying the terror tunnels completed as best they can. They will stay on the border, in small camps, because one never quite knows when a gang on Harley Davidsons will emerge from a tunnel with the sole purpose of kidnapping soldiers or innocent Israeli citizens.
I know you want the truth of what happened to Hadar Goldin http://www.jpost.com/ Operation-Protective-Edge/ Tens-of-thousands-gather-for- funeral-of-slain-IDF-officer- 2nd-Lt-Hadar-Goldin-369877 and how the family was able to bury his remains yesterday in a full religious ceremony. When the Hamas gang emerged from the tunnel and the leader blew himself sky high, despite horrific injuries Hadar tried to chase the remainder of the gang but died in the effort. His remains were identified by his personal effects and dog tags. May his soul and those of all our lost soldiers rest in peace.
Our friend Doron Maresky wrote – “Iron Dome is good but the SAATI system could be even more effective in Gaza. SAATI system is almost guaranteed a 100% success rate in not only intercepting all Israeli bombs, shells, mortars and missiles but even in preventing them from being launched… SAATI = Stop Attacking And Terrorizing Israel.”
Life goes on pretty normally in Israel – if you do not live on the border with Gaza, or in Ashdod, Ashkelon or the areas that do not enjoy the “cease fire”. All main roads in Jerusalem are flying flags, alternately the emblem of Israel, of Jerusalem and of Zahal, the IDF. It is a small way to say thank you.
The cease-fire talks began. We chose not to be involved in the talks in Cairo because our eventual aim is that Egypt will broker a cease fire and Abu Mazen will be responsible for Gaza. We want all funds, much of which will come from Israel, for the rebuilding of Gaza, will go through Abu Mazen and the PA. The Egyptians have supported Israels stance and our efforts to wipe out Hamas more than any other country including the West.
Bravo New York City. Thanks to Barry Shaw for sending this to me.
This is the most inspirational video ever to motivate those too afraid to take to the streets in support of Israel. Watch it and, next time the “Hate Israel” mob take to the streets and the campus confront them. Take an example from our brave Israeli boys, and from the people of the Diamond District. Stand tall for Israel. http://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd. net/hvideo-ak-xpa1/v/t42.1790- 2/10455605_10152340053673717_ 1184763565_n.mp4?oh= 929da72f9a470512c3ddbf8d3bfb8f 0d&oe=53E10140&__gda__= 1407252075_ 2f4a085ccf9ced7779aa38ffb6c072 22
As Zvi and I were driving north to visit family, obviously listening non-stop to the news and discussing what had been said I suddenly thought
I know it isn’t Shabbat yet but thought you would love this exquisite music. Shalom Aleichem played by Cpl. Gabriel Chouraki – Musician of Excellence in the IDF Band.
With love from Jerusalem, ever beautiful Jerusalem.
As we speak – Riots on Temple Mount. http://www.israelnationalnews. com/News/News.aspx/183693#. U99DFPmSw0E