The view from my veranda

151030 Rabin 20, Hakol Yachassi, Doreen, Kerry, Ileana Ros Lehtinen


30th October 2015

Shabbat shalom to you all, near and far, Jew, Christian and Moslem. May you live in peace and think of peace but most of all pray for peace, work for peace and remember that nothing comes if we just sit back and wait for it.

For about 20 years now I have been promoting the Power of One, the ability of each and every one of us to make a difference in our world.  Adopt a journalist is possibly the most important aspect because, like it or not, they influence a gullible world that hangs on their every word. If they don’t get the information then neither does the man next door! You don’t have to be cheeky like me and call the offices of CNN and BBC – although you will be surprised to find how ready they are to talk – you can start with your local press. Until you adopt a journalist, bring him/her home or to visit your synagogue or church they may well be fed the wrong information because if you don’t inform them someone else will. Journalists are human beings like you and me, well actually I am one but you know what I mean. Journalists put out information that they receive, so ensure they receive a rounded, clear picture, but that means you need to be informed too. Demand honest reporting from their editors who often hide half the truth thereby lying. It is worth every moment, to you, your community and to Israel.

As Jews we often think of the Temple Mount as only ours and that the Moslems are interlopers. I have not been to the Temple Mount in 20 years when I went with  Ian and Linda Gandel and their children, and have never felt the need for sole ownership of the Holiest site in the Jewish religion, possibly because we are not supposed to worship “sites or edifices” only the Torah, however I do not believe I should be banned from visiting the Temple Mount either. It is not only the site of the Holy Temple but also of the Foundation Stone, where Abraham took Isaac and proved himself before God;  it is the wellspring of Christianity and so much more – on the Temple Mount .

The level of antipathy and blatant abuse of human rights is shown in this video. The bully boys of the WAQF waited for this Danish Christian and banned her from walking on the Temple Mount claiming it is all, but all, a mosque. Thanks to Steve Linde, Editor in Chief of the Jerusalem Post,​ for posting this

From the sublime to the ridiculous, John Kerry finally moved from his building mantra and told the Palestinians that they must end the incitement. However he also stated that the terror is a manifestation of the fact that there is no two state solution. If that were true why was there terror in 1929, why throughout the years before 1948, 1967.  Mr Kerry, if you are not part of the solution you are part of problem.

Congresswoman Ileana Ros Lehtinen stood up in Congress and spoke loud and clear in Congress about US funding of UNWRA which clearly supports Hamas, a registered terror group. Write and thank her please – and send her my love. I could not find the video and would appreciate anyone who can help me.

Mahmoud Abbas went to the United Nations Human Rights Council and complained about Israelis killing Palestinians – which is like the man who killed his parents then begged for leniency because he was an orphan. It would certainly be cheaper for Abbas if he stopped the knifing rampage, the number of young Palestinians committing Shahidi is very costly. Each of their families gets a house, $10,000 and a stipend for life. Why should he care though, every penny is paid from your taxes!!!!

I cannot believe it is 20 years. 20 years since our friend, relative and Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated by a Jew. 20 years since this proud, shy, brilliant soldier, who disliked politics yet succeeded in drawing the love of Presidents, Prime Ministers and Kings the world over – that love for him making the difference in their policies toward Israel. Igal Amir killed a dream along with a Prime Minister. He killed the dream that we were better than others, more moral, less violent. President Clinton is already here in Israel, he will be at the memorial in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, to say farewell to his Chaver.

If not for Yitzchak Rabin’s partnership with Ehud Olmert, as Mayor of Jerusalem, we would not have built fine neighborhoods in Jerusalem, he pushed for Har Homa in order to protect the contiguity of Jerusalem, highways would have remained on the drawing board and an attempt at a peace process, pushed by all the leaders of the world came closer than any other. We all believed it could happen and at that time the strong American leadership was on our side, we wanted it to work knowing full well they would never sign. Yitzchak Rabin remained a soldier to the end and Israel lost her naivety.

The dream of Yitzchak Rabin has been stolen by the left, for he was not a left-winger. Yitzchak cared deeply for his Israel, for his people, for the security of both, yet he was berated by the right and it was the hatred expressed by the extreme right that eventually convinced Igal Amir that he should kill his Prime Minister. Igal Amir who has never expressed a word of regret and smiles throughout.

The ultimate horror is that Igal Amirs younger brother Hagai, was charged this week for incitement to hatred against President Reuven Rivlin! On his Facebook page he spews hatred and filth against a man who represents Israel with honour and generosity of spirit, encouraging yet another assassination. I don’t have words in my lexicon to express my disgust. Who seriously believes in free speech? Freedom of speech is a right that must be earned by goodwill.

The Aussies got it right. A Sydney teen yelled racist, anti-Semitic insults and was sentenced to Shabbat Dinner! He will learn of the Holocaust and study Judaism. What a brilliant idea.

My sister Doreen came and went back home after a simply wonderful week together. Waking up each morning to find a sister with us in our home was enough but we managed to do and see almost everything.  It was so sad taking her to the airport, and she wished she had booked a longer stay but we packed so much into the week I think we would both have collapsed had we had more time! Thanks to my husband’s involvement in both the WZO and the Jewish Agency Board of Governors we not only heard the Prime Minister speak last week but had a guided tour of the Israel Museum (one of the top 10 museums in the world) and skipped the speeches of the opening ceremony at the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount (The Davidson Centre) and ran around the corner to the Kotel, the Western Wall to say our personal prayers. Touching those ancient stones holds a special place in all our hearts. We were both thrilled to see the African Christian ladies in their gorgeous outfits praying fervently, arms raised in hope.

Of course Zvi’s family came for Shabbat dinner and our lovely friend Danny Liwerant joined the “balagan” together with Ira and Valeri, Tomer and Shelly who regaled her with stories and stayed after all the others to get to know my sister. We saw our cousins Irene and Debbie in Tel Aviv, dear Irene who was married to my late, beloved cousin Cyril, refuses to recognize her age and looks as young as ever…… not bad since she is over 90 and makes the journey to Israel to be with her Israeli family without complaint. We then went on to a very wet drive to meet my Tel Aviv friends, two of whom couldn’t make it because their homes were flooded!!! One lives on the 32nd floor in Tel Aviv but the rain was so heavy that it came in under their doors. Indeed Raanana was without electricity for several days!

Best of all we spent lots of time with Rachel and the children. They adore their Auntie Dordi. They are such loving children, generous with their hugs and chatter – picking them up from school was always an experience. Doreen was amazed at how close Ramallah is to Jerusalem, creeping closer by the day. She was really game, knew that I would never endanger her, and best of all after each trip to Rachels home we saw the Panorama over Samuels Tomb, the panorama I always wax lyrical about. Now she knows I don’t exaggerate!!! Zvi loved having my big sister here, her ease of nature and our strong relationship made him happy. I loved the fact he called her “Sis”.  Indeed he was upset that she wasn’t staying longer!

Two days ago we were meant to meet Harry Bloomfield and the inimitable Dr Cyril Sherer for lunch at the Inbal, however Cyril had other ideas and insisted we go to his apartment for lunch. It was delicious!!! The conversation and welcome were as intriguing and fascinating as always and Cyril is conceivably the most amazing 94 year old (nearly 95) imaginable. He still spends hours on his computer in research and attends patients.

Oh my goodness! The concert  of Hakol Yachassi that Zvi, Eli, Danny, Sammy and many members of the choir organised and it was phenomenal!!! All proceeds went to the Yuri Shtern Holistic Center for Cancer Patients and their families The profits will go the Yuri Shtern Holistic Center

6 choirs sang three songs each, the Shorashim b Machol Jerusalem danced to familiar songs and the evening was a resounding success! My husband gave a great speech, Eli Matityahu was the MC, Deputy Mayor Berkovitch was there and many wonderful songs were sung. Here is a taste of HaKol Yachassi from our recent trip to Karpenisi, Greece

Have you noticed that every Israeli song, and most Jewish prayers are about Peace, Shalom? Either we are not praying hard enough, singing loud enough or simply not doing things right…….. because so far the peace is not here, except in our hearts.

I just got back from the apartment of Harry and Nancy Bloomfield, and I have to admit the view from their veranda is even better than ours! It encompasses the entire Old City, New City and beyond. It filled me with joy and Nancy gave me Shabbat flowers because Zvi will never have time to buy any today! Lehitra’ot guys, have a great flight and come home soon.

Sorry this is such a long letter but I had loads to tell you!

Shabbat Shalom dear friends. Shabbat Shalom to you one and all. May you have a blessed Sabbath

I want to finish with a very special song, but it demands translation so I will place it at the end. Vehi She’amda is a prayer, but also a lesson. Dear friends, don’t fear coming to Israel, it is still one of the safest places on earth – as my son Gideon said the problem is not the crime which is everywhere, it is the fact their specific aim is to kill Jews.

Vehi she’amdah
l’avoteinu velanu.

She’lo echad bilvad
amad aleinu lechaloteinu.

Ela sheb’chol dor vador
omdim aleinu lechaloteinu.

Vehakadosh baruch hu
matzileinu miyadam.

And this is that (promise) which sustained
our fathers and us.

That it is not one (enemy) alone
that stood up against us to destroy us.

But that in each generation there are those
standing up against us to destroy us.

But the Holy One Blessed Be He
saves us from their hand.