Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem
15th of November 2012
Dear Friends, Shabbat Shalom is a dream this coming weekend. Shalom, sadly, is a prayer not a fact.
After eleven years of missile attacks on the towns and kibbutzim along the border with Gaza, culminating in nearly 200 missiles just this month, Israel decided to act. Despite the headlines this is not an “Israeli offensive in Gaza” this is Israeli defence of Israel.
This morning after constant bombardment of Fajr (pronounced like badger) missiles on civilians the evil intent of Hamas was realised as a family in the small town of Kiriat Malachi, well inside Israeli borders was devastated by a direct hit on their home. Three people died, all members of Chabad and a four year old was severely injured. Of course the world said the bombings were in response to the killing of Ahmed Jabri, leader of the military wing of Hamas and the man who held Gilad Schalit. Jabri was for many years the man that the Israelis could talk to but then he became a leader and gained enormous power, and as we know power corrupts and he became a terrorist, pure and simple.
In case anyone is in doubt of Israels good intentions, we left Gaza voluntarily (which almost split the country), we abided by the demands of the international leaders, we give them food and basic needs, we give them fiscal aid, we are fair and it hasn’t helped. An entire generation of Israeli children in the South live an uncertain reality of bomb shelters and suffer PTSD. To say nothing of their parents. It is no way to live!
Just heard that sirens went off in Beersheba, Yavneh, Rishon le Zion, Nes Ziona, Ashdod, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Bnei Brak and Givatayim. Fajr missiles actually fell in Beersheba, hitting a house and another fell on the beach in South Tel Aviv.
Any logical person is horrified that the Palestinian leaders are willing to risk the lives of their citizens because of religious fanaticism, hatred and their determination to wipe us off the map. Please if you want to understand click on the links below.
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs explains the history and the present About+the+Ministry/Behind+the+ Headlines/BTH_Operation_ Pillar_of_Defense_14-Nov-2012. htm
Also Jonathan Sacerdoti for Sky News feature=player_embedded&v=H- Vms2eAeUU
President Peres tells CNN – All mothers want their babies to sleep at night in safety video/?/video/world/2012/11/ 12/intv-sidner-israel-pres- peres-gaza.cnn
President Peres tells CNN – All mothers want their babies to sleep at night in safety
Even more importantly – imagine living for eleven years under these circumstances…………. you and your children. 15 seconds to run for cover
11th day of the 11th month, Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, the day we remember and give thanks to those who served to save us. We thought that war was over, how wrong we were. It was a sad day to hear some news.
Young Israelis who grew up in the Intifada and lost friends or family members to terror or suffered the effects of bombings are now reaching majority, they are coming of age. These 18 year olds, the children of parents who strongly believe in the rights of all and had high hopes for a peaceful solution to the aggression of our neighbours, now hate Arabs. They have not yet learned to distinguish between good and bad they hate those who harmed them, their family, their friends and their country with such zealous hatred that they blew up buses carrying innocents and bombed restaurants. It is so sad, but natural I guess, the promises of their parents that we can reach an understanding and peace is achievable proved false.
When the East Coast of the USA was hit by a devastating hurricane help came from one of the smallest yet firmest allies of the USA. Not from the PA, nor Jordan, Not Turkey nor Egypt, not Iran nor Syria, not even European allies………. it came from Israel. Israel in the form of IsraAid. and
action-2/israelis-pitch-in-to- help-after-hurricane-sandy/
Shachar Zahavi the director of IsraAid shared this link when interviewed on news in NY
Even the delivery of petrol was aided by an Israeli inventionWAZE, which helped FEMA drivers reach the stricken gas stations. WAZE so much more than, and infinitely better than a GPS and you can download the app on your phone!!!
As the insanity rages in the South Israel continues with normal life. President Peres opened The Annual Assembly of the Council of Religious Leaders in Israel with the Leaders of All of Israel’s Religions with a Special Speech on the Current Situation. Life goes on.
It seems strange to say that we went shopping, cooked, baked, prepared for Shabbat and yes, the shopping mall is full right now. Indeed as the correspondents reported that the sirens went off in Tel Aviv the traffic behind them didn’t stop, the lights didn’t go out on the skyscrapers and no-one seemed disturbed. I find that odd – even arrogant when the Home Guard division of the IDF told people to go down to the safe areas.
In truth I didn’t intend writing about politics, diplomacy or war – not even about Jerusalem slowing down for Shabbat – I wanted to describe the everyday life in Jerusalem; the fun, food, theatre, entertainment, zoos, museums, crazy driving, wonderful colourful and worthwhile life we live here but yet again the insanity of our neighbours took over. I was desperate for someone to ask me a question about life in Israel when I spoke in Bedford, NY but time ran out and I didn’t manage to tell them that we are a fun and family society who don’t let anything get us down.
Zvi is home after a brilliant time with Billy and Ruth in Mexico City and a truly marvellous reunion with all his buddies from the Yiddische Schule who graduated 50 years ago.
It is so good to have him home, home in time for Shabbat. Our house will be open to all our friends in Tel Aviv who feel insecure…………….. they can come to Jerusalem and experience our Shabbat!!!
Welcome home to Zvi (and me) with this song Shalom Eretz Nehederet – Hello Wonderful Country com/watch?v=eNdN5Ss69Jc
With love from Jerusalem, Capital City of this beautiful innovative, kind, exciting but beleaguered country
Shabbat Shalom
The latest news is that Egypt is trying to broker a cease fire.