The view from my veranda

The Goldener Medinah?

26th July, 2024

Shabbat Shalom to one and all. May you have a peaceful weekend

This week was a confused and difficult one for the United States of America. I am not talking about the leadership, not about who will be chosen as President, I am starting this missive with a series of video clips, put together by journalist Tom Gross. I was horrified, terrified, and disgusted by the anti-American, pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Please, please, look at what is happening in the American Capital City.  We can then talk about who should be the leader of the Western World.

The Iranian influence, the head of the snake, has gone well beyond party politics, has been brewing for many years, not just during President Biden’s term, and the ideal of “free speech” has been taken to extremes we never thought we could see in a free society. The apparent reason behind the unseen violence? A visit of the Israel Prime Minister, or is it just an opportunity for the instigators (Iran and her proxies) to draw unwanted attention to the “plight” of the Palestinians. Forgive me for saying but what you, the great democracy of the United States, need is a candidate who will stand up and speak out about Americas issues, not demand democracy in a rogue state. The old style candidates spoke about morality and American values………

Talking about moral values, the incredibly costly visit of Prime Minister Netanyahu, Sara Netanyahu and his entire retinue, culminated in a speech before a packed Congress. His eloquence is unquestionable, his ability to make one think that he really cares, is apparent, but perhaps we should be looking for content not standing ovations. By the way, what does it mean when members of Congress jump up and down like Jack-in-the-Boxes? I have never doubted Bibi’s ability to orate……. Perhaps I turn yet again to my friend Paul Mirbach whose words rang true for me. “While he says, “Give us the tools faster, and we will finish the job faster”, I am more reminded of “the hostages are suffering, but not dying”, as we are witness to how he seems to be “finishing the job”. Joe Biden in his speech on the same night promised to work tirelessly to bring all the ISRAELI hostages home, Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, failed to mention them.

Empty words to applause in Congress is reality TV. The corpses of hostages recovered from Khan Younis, as the number of hostages who remain alive dwindles, while he travels to America to address Americans at the same time that he is afraid to face his own people, is our Reality.”

The only truly important art of his speech was when he introduced the soldiers, our wonderful, brave, outstanding soldiers.

Sadly, Kamala Harris, potential Democratic Candidate for the Presidency, almost immediately after the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech, spoke, almost exclusively about Palestinians right to self-rule. I assume it is because she is ill informed but the Palestinians have a President, a Prime Minister and a government and since 2005 Gaza has been self-ruled. We saw the outcome on October 7th. When oh when will they understand that elections do not bring democracy?

Rashida Tlaib, she who claimed Palestinian heritage and poverty not proudly American, sat near the incredibly brave former hostage Noa Argamani. She was wearing a Kaffiyeh and held a sign “War Criminal” and “Guilty of genocide”.  She clearly has never read the Oxford Dictionary. “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”

Here in Israel, we are in a state of despondency brought about by so many factors. Another 5 bodies were found in a tunnel in Khan Younis in Gaza. Stuffed into black plastic bags they were brought home for burial. Simultaneously, while the Prime Minister chose to go to Washington, flying in a horrendously expensive white elephant aeroplane called Wing of Zion, to orate before Congress at a time when the Presidency is in tatters and then celebrate his son’s 30th birthday. His dystopic government has taken the opportunity, during his absence, to attempt to pass some highly questionable laws. While his speech was impressive, he is needed here, soldiers and hostages are dying!

The lofty title “The International Court of Justice” has no bearing on Justice. In this report by Hillel Neuer you will see why.  The president of the International Court of Justice, Judge Salam, who on Friday read out an advisory opinion targeting Israel, voted 210 times to condemn the Jewish state when he served as Lebanon’s UN ambassador, and he delivered inflammatory speeches accusing “terrorist Jewish organizations” of committing “organized massacres,” according to a new report by UN Watch. Click for Video On Friday, the ICJ delivered a non-binding opinion that Israel must exit from the Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank, which included the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, the Western Wall and the Temple Mount. The opinion was requested by a PLO-sponsored resolution of the UN General Assembly.

However, Judge Julia Sebutinde, the Ugandan Vice President of the ICJ has declared the ICJ biased and unprofessional in its judgements of Israel. Her reasoning is wise and rather lengthy, but if you wish to read it  

Everything that touches the United Nations is rotten. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “is deeply concerned about the reports of airstrikes earlier today in and around the port of Hodeida in Yemen, “Israel has claimed responsibility for the strikes, noting that this is in response to previous Houthi attacks on Israel,” Not a word from this excuse for a leader when the UK, USA and Saudi Arabia bombed both this port and another. Not a word about the constant terror attacks on naval and commercial shipping which originated from this port. Bravo again Gutteres.

As yet I haven’t written about the hostages, the ever dwindling number of hostages that can still be saved; their horrific conditions, their fears that they have been forgotten. We know from those who have been released that they are abused physically and psychologically, told constantly that nobody cares about them, not seeing the light of day for over nine months – 293 days. 293 days in which their families have been fighting with every ounce of their energy, 293 days that have brought all people of conscience  together to fight for them.

Not everything is bad news though, honestly. You already know how proud I am of Impact-se and our CEO Marcus Sheff. Marcus and his COO Arik Agassi have been back and fore to Europe many times this month, ensuring that our reports on UNWRA and PA education are brought to the right bodies. This week we were rewarded with an exceptional result.  The European Union has decided to withhold funding of Palestinian education until they change their schoolbooks, taking the incitement to hatred out and putting our new curriculum in.

The 2024 Olympic Games are about to begin officially! This tiny country sent no less than 92 athletes all of whom have trained despite the war, despite many doing Miluim, despite the horrible antisemitism that is Paris 2024. In the back of our minds we cannot forget the Munich Olympics, the hatred that killed 11 Israeli athletes will never be forgotten. Then it was the PLO, now it is Iranian proxies. For us,  revenge is sweet when it means winning, coming home triumphant with medals gold medals, Gold Medals where Hatikva is played at the ceremony and we can all weep with pride. Good luck to the teams, the coaches, trainers, and most of all the participants.

This has been a week of meeting friends. We have been back and forth on Highway number one and toll road number six, going in various directions, no matter what time we leave we get stuck in traffic jams!! We have eaten at wonderful restaurants, mostly breakfasts because Israeli breakfasts are famous! Why famous? The traditional Israeli breakfast is eggs of any type, multiple dips and spreads, a fresh from the field salad and wonderful farmhouse bread, often made on the spot. It usually comes with a coffee and a fresh juice, squeezed or blended on the spot. It is healthy, delightful and often shared because a portion is just too generous for one person! Tonight Nattie and Yolli Zonszein are coming for Shabbat Dinner, always a treat.

I have been busy with my various courses, from water aerobics to craft, from stories in the library to mind and movement. Of course, Zvi has been going from meetings to rehearsals, in fact we are busy, very busy, which is how we keep our sanity in this surreal situation.

I am thrilled that one of Zvi’s childhood friends came to visit this week, Elisha Koenig. Toward the end of a delightful visit Zvi mentioned that Elisha is an expert on many aspects of agriculture but especially on irrigation, especially on drip irrigation. I was so delighted because no matter how hard I work on organizing and reorganizing the pipes I always wind up with either a burst or a dry plant which needs a top up! Elisha immediately volunteered his services, asked for various dimensions and I can’t stop smiling. Now, as I sit and eat my breakfast on the veranda, I can not only enjoy my favourite little visitors, the sunbirds, but also the knowledge that my plants are safe from the searing summer sun.

Yesterday Zvi went to Tel Aviv to take Ella and Yonatan to buy all their needs for the forthcoming new school year, something he did earlier in the week with Gili, Ori and Yuval. It is traditional that grandparents buy the new books etc, and a few treats. My grandchildren are too old now but I am going to visit Rachel soon, to have my egg salad on her incredible challah hug the children and come back to prepare Shabbat.

So what music do you want this week? Last week was sentimental memories so this week I need anew theme.

This great social protest song is now 120 years old! Written by the poet Shaul Tchernichovsky in Odessa at the age of 19. I still believe in the good of man.

Harel Skaat is a young, new talent on the Israeli scene. His song Hineini Kan, I am Here, could be a love song, but for me it is a love song to Israel, to us as a people.

Together! Yachad! Together we can do everything!!!  I love the theme of this song and the wonderful voices of togetherness. I also love that everyone uses sign language to the music and words.

So that’s it. I know I have left out many aspects but I don’t want to bore you. Please as you light your candles tonight, be they for Shabbat or romance, light one for those hostages that stand a chance of living through their nightmare, say a prayer for them, for the soldiers who are fighting for our freedom and for our Olympic Team that they all come home safely, preferably with accolades!

I pray for your country, that the insanity of today will become the sanity of tomorrow and mezuzas will return to doorposts, kippot to head and Magen Davids to their proud place on necklaces.

Shabbat Shalom dear wonderful people. Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem
