The view from my veranda

Christmas, Chanukah and a prayer for peace

20th of December 2024

Shabbat Shalom! Just four days until Christmas and two day later it’s Chanukah! Days of family, hope and light. Days of celebration.

A friend who lives in Malta, her FB name is Cour di Rosa, posted a brilliant explanation of our days of light and I want to share it with you.

“”I saw a beautiful idea that has its roots in one of the famous arguments between Hillel and Shammai. (two great Rabbis) The question arose, “Can you use one Hanukkah candle to light another?” Shammai insisted that you could not. “How can you diminish one candle to light another?” he queried.

But Hillel looked at the situation differently. “When I use one candle to light another,” he posited, “we both benefit.” In other words, if I use the flame that burns within me to light someone else’s flame, the fire within me isn’t extinguished; in fact, it burns ever brighter. I don’t lose by lighting someone else’s candle; I benefit! In helping you, I’m the one who grows!

And in the same way that one mitzvah leads to another, so too one light leads to another, until we have a big flame, until the light of that one original candle is illuminating the whole world.

On Hanukkah let’s take the light that shines within us, the light of our souls, and share it with others so that together we can be full participants in lighting up our world!”

So it is with all good deeds, passing the light of kindness from one to another.

This has not been the quiet week we prayed for. The signs, the possibility of a Chanukah miracle came close but so far, our hostages are still in dire captivity after 440 days.

The war with both Hamas and Hezb-Allah seem to be reaching an end, a tragic end when you look not only at the destruction in Israel but the death and destruction in both Gaza and Lebanon. A tyrant above all others has toppled and run away to Russia, taking much of his wealth with him. The vast arsenals, stores of terrifying chemical weapons, missiles and so much more, have been destroyed by our aerial attacks and far worse, beyond any rational imagination, the mass graves of over 150,000 Syrian citizens have been discovered, in addition to the understanding that an additional 120,000 Syrians are missing. Conceivably one of the cruellest and deadly regimes of modern times and not a single word from the United Nations, the Red Cross or any other international body.   Add Turkey’s attempt to overtake Syria now that they see the opportunity, especially to overtake the Kurds. Erdogan and his dreams of grandeur, or returning to Ottoman rule, has taken Turkey from a thriving country to a falling empire.

As we see the terrifying extent of the Syrian weaponry, I thank heaven for the Israeli Prime Minister who went against the wishes of the American President and destroyed the Syrian nuclear facility. Thank you Ehud Olmert. Equal thanks to Menachem Begin for going against a different American President and destroyed the Iraqi nuclear facility. Brave leaders who cared more for their country, this country, than keeping their seat warm. Imagine if those nuclear facilities were still functioning.

The Druze people on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights want to be part of Israel. “We are with those who preserve our dignity, we ask to be annexed to the Israeli Golan, we ask to join our kin in the Golan, to be free from injustice and oppression,” to which those present replied shouting: “We agree, we agree!”

The Houthis are cruel terrorists. Until now they are known for their piracy at sea, their attacks on British, US and various other ships, causing deaths, but they are armed with very modern and accurate long range missiles which, one at a time, they launch at Israel. Yesterday one such missile landed on a school in Ramat Gan, destroying it.

We all understand the effect of the tools of war, be they missiles or pistols, but when one looks back in history, about 90 years ago, and you see the preparation for war that is seen in schoolbooks, the teaching of children to hate enough to want to kill another, it comes as an even bigger surprise to know that Polish schoolbooks still contain references to Jews killing Jesus and even worse. The Impact-se team has taken a look at the schoolbooks and improvements have been made but right in the middle of Europe the blood libel continues. As I have written so many times, the world is upside down. When the Bahrainis put Israel on their maps in schoolbooks, the West is becoming increasingly anti-Semitic. Impact-se is now looking into the Syrian schoolbooks, preparing for change.

The Melbourne Jewish community, indeed 99.9% of Australia, is in shock at the burning of the synagogue in Melbourne. How on earth can it be? Australia? Such things don’t happen in Australia. But they do and they did and they are. This is a new phenomenon and must be dealt with firmly and the cause rooted out and the culprits publicly shamed and put into prison.

The question of who is a Jew, or whether one should wear a skullcap in public for fear of attack, one fascinating man stood up. The award winning actor Liev Schreiber speaks of his fascinating, multifaceted childhood, and what is means to be Jewish. Absolutely fascinating, very emotional, very worth watching.

Before I get to this week’s personal events, I want to address the question of Haredi “gius”, Haredi, Ulta-Orthodox, conscription into the IDF. Quite apart from the fact that our miluimnikim, our incredible reservists who have left home, family and businesses to defend this country, sometimes for the entire 440 day of this war, we need soldiers. The argument of the Haredi Rabbis, whose word is law in their communities, constantly express fear that if their young men go into the army they will come out secular is ludicrous. If their religious belief is so fragile that they would lose it by being in contact with those who are not religious, then their connection to Judaism is tenuous. The IDF is willing to go as far as necessary to make their religious life consistent with being a soldier and defending this country and more importantly, many young Haredi men want to be part of the defence of Israel.

It’s Christmas in Israel! Those of you who thought that we just celebrate Jewish festivals and that now we only celebrate Chanukah are very wrong! Nazareth and the Christian Quarter of the Old City are lit up with Christmas lights, and the road to Bethlehem, here in Jerusalem, is lit up with decorations. Christmas Markets in all of the above in the First Station and of course in the YMCA and the Jerusalem Municipality gives free Christmas trees to anyone who wants one. Best of all, I love the story of Issa. What greater example of the Israeli human mosaic than Issa Anis Kassissieh. Why? Because Issa is Israel’s most famous Santa!!! He has created a Santa’s grotto in his home and each year he welcomes children of all faiths to visit. Issa lives in Jerusalem’s Old City, played basketball for the Palestinian team and isn’t Christian!  I love the fact that he often arrives on a camel, obviously no Rudolph in sight!

This week has been an emotional roller coaster. Incredibly it is 5 years since my incredible, brilliant, caring, funny, adorable and loyal eldest son, Daniel Cammerman, was killed in an accident in Central Park, New York, on his way to work in Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr. Dan was loved, beloved, by everyone who came in touch with him, be they patients, parents, friends and of course us, his adoring family. I said emotional roller coaster because I am not the keening and bawling type, my pain is deep and personal, rarely shared except for those closest to me, but pain it is, deep in my soul. A pain that cannot be eased. However, I have the joy of my daughter in law Karen and my Daniel’s children, Joshua and Callie, watching them grow, seeing how loving and incredible they are. This Chanukah as we light the candles my thoughts will be with them – with him, with Gideon and Rachel and of course Daniel’s Daddy Philip. Daniel brought light into this world just by his being and that light can never be extinguished.
They say that a person doesn’t leave this world as long as his name is remembered. I can only tell you that we, his family talk about him constantly, his friends, especially Poodle and Paddy, speak of him every day and his fellow doctors and his patients do too. In fact, the head nurse of Uptown Paediatrics still has his photos on her wall. It’s all about being a good person and my son was just that, a good man.

I’m not going to Rachel today, we spent time together this week, just doing everyday things like going shopping and sitting down for a coffee, but I am sure that we will speak at least 6 times! Tonight I decided not to cancel Friday night dinner with family despite ongoing pain. We will be 15 including Zvi’s son Leor and family and among the diners will be the lovely Ira, whose birthday it was yesterday and Yossi and Rachel Ribak who were with Zvi and I when the phone call about Daniel arrived. Everyone is bringing something so that makes life easier. Zvi has already extended the table to accommodate everyone and most of the food is ready. Two soups made, the essential gluten free foods prepared, potatoes, sweet potato, shallots and garlic ready for roasting and the salmon defrosting. Zvi has gone to get ice cream for dessert so that I won’t have to make and the gluten free dessert is coming with Rachel. I will talk about my Daniel before we sit down to eat because only a very few knew him and it is so important to me that they learn what a fantastic mensch he was.

On Monday I’m taking a very few of Daniel’s closest Carmel College friends to the delightful Shalva restaurant for brunch. Linda, Poodle, Abby, Rachel F, and of course my daughter Rachel. We’ll be taken to Dr Dan’s Room by the newly wed Sarah Samuels, daughter of the founders of Shalva Kalman and Malki Samuels. We will talk about Daniel but without tears, only about his exceptional personality, his love of Gilbert and Sullivan and his devotion to his patients. If you want to give to Dr Dan’s Room, the fabulous studio for the performing arts in Shalva

And so to song.

This week Israel lost one of her most loved and brilliant singers songwriters. Corinne Allal. This song, co-written with Ehud Manor, expresses the love of this tiny country. Rest in peace Corinne.

The next song, the next singer is a hero. A hero who lost his life in Gaza. His beautiful voice is lost, his parents broken. I just felt the need to give you his song for Eurovision, his only and last performance. Sadly there is no translation.

I always loved Peter Paul and Mary but had never heard this song which fits both Christmas and Chanukah. Keep the light from the candle lighting the world. Don’t let the light go out

My prayer this week is that the lights of the Chanukiah (also known as a Menorah) will light this world and bring the miracle of peace and tolerance to a broken and distorted society. May the wounded be healed; their nightmares fly away and the hostages come home. The goodwill of Christmas spread like snowdrops and cover the world with kindness.

Shabbat Shalom dear friends. Remember to invite the lonely neighbour, the elderly friend, the lost young person, to join your celebrations. You may just save a life.

With much love from wonderfully rainy Jerusalem where it all started.
