Shabbat Shalom letter
17th February 2012
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem!!! Yes we are home!
We had a wonderful time in Puerto Rico, Miami and New York and although I miss my NY family it is so good to be home!
The last week was a blur of friends and of course the glorious Joshua. My little grandson is so amazing, he really is a star and of course he loves Saba Zvi who does all the “naughty” things with him as one would expect! Joshua is not only beautiful, he is just a sweet and wonderful boy – well done to my son Daniel and Mummy Karen!!
While in New York we were able to be with Helene and Martin and attend the Shiva for Helenes beloved Mother Marta Sheinfeld. Zvi held hot discussions on the Middle East with Helenes wonderful father Norman proving that one can be an intensely intelligent man and still not quite “get” the situation here. Israel isn’t necessarily to blame, indeed our share of the blame for what is happening in our immediate neighbourhood is minute. Rabbi Yaacov Fellig gave an outstanding drasha (sermon) on the last evening of prayers talking of Marta Sheinfeld and her legacy to the world. I promise to explain it to you on Monday or Tuesday.
One evening we went for dinner with Lenny and Ruth Cole (more of that later) and our waitress was exceptionally good and we got chatting. She told us that she is a graduate of Brandeis University and was so disappointed by the lack of Israel support there – lack of identification of the students with Israel. Jennifer Press impressed me so deeply by her enthusiasm and determination to change the way things are and go out into the world ot speak about Israel. Someone should grab her and use her in hasbara! Thanks Jenn for making all our evening!!!
Anyway I am going to write a quickie today because we arrived on Israeli soil of Ben Gurion Airport at 15:00 yesterday, went to Tel Aviv, slept for an hour, got all dolled up and went to a phenomenal wedding arriving home at 02:00!!! Despite our exhaustion it was worth every moment of Ya’ir and Yulia’s wedding – what a wonderful, happy event it was.
As we climbed up the Jerusalem Hills toward home I felt the excitement grow and then as we come over the final crest there was Jerusalem before us…… lights glistening in the rain, almost ethereal as it his behind wispy clouds. Closer and closer to home and the veranda – our mirpesset!! Finally exhausted we climbed the stairs to our reward………….. opening the blinds there it was, wetter and windier than we left it but all the plants are thriving after the wettest January on record!
I am so happy to be home. This morning Zvi went to his Parliament to put the world to rights while sitting in Angels Coffee Shop in the Petrol Station and I continued to be hugged and kissed and told how much they missed me by my beautiful grandchildren, Yosef, Talia and Ayala and of course my daughter Rachel who is equally beautiful!!! Loved driving home past the incredible view of the whole of Jerusalem, set before me as I pass Samuels Tomb (Nebe Samuel). So happy to hear Hebrew, to be greeted by all and sundry with “Shabbat Shalom” and a big smile – so happy to know that tonight I will be lighting the candles to welcome the bride of Shabbat into our own home, surrounded by our wrap-around view of the most beautiful city in the world. Tonight we will sit around a traditional Shabbat meal with Zvis children and grandchildren. Life is good.
Will write about Iran, US elections, bombs in Embassies and ………..Iran Iran Iran next week when my brain catches up with my body.
With love to you all from Jerusalem
Shabbat Shalom