Shabbat Shalom back in Jerusalem
121109 9th November 2012 Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem!! Yes I am home. As I walked into the house, after the most incredible welcome from my daughter Rachel with Yosef, Talia and Ayala, the first thing I did was walk out onto the veranda and soak in the view. I did my best to concentrate on the…
Read MoreShabbat Shalom from Coral Gables
121101 1st November 2012 Shabbat Shalom from Coral Gables. Shabbat Shalom from the most beautiful garden on earth! Before I continue to wax lyrical about South Miami I want to wish all of those who live on the East Coast of the USA and Canada who were hit by hurricane Sandy and the path of…
Read MoreShabbat Shalom from Las Vegas
121026 12th October 2012 Shabbat Shalom from Las Vegas!!!! Beautiful air, glorious mountains and a great host but let’s start with the news, good and bad, and then I’ll tell you about our San Diego leg. The despicable Gideon Levy is creating and spreading calumny about Israel. Thank heavens for Ben-Dror Yemini to debunk Levy’s claim…
Read MoreShabbat Shalom from LA
121019 12th October 2012 Shabbat Shalom from Los Angeles! What a waste of public money!! The Israeli Public Prosecutor decided to lodge an appeal against the acquittal and mild sentence of former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, a decision that was reached unanimously by a panel of three judges in the regional court – a unanimous decision…
Read MoreShabbat Shalom from Boston
121012 12th October 2012 Shabbat Shalom from Boston!! We just arrived having caught a bus in NYC, travelled through beautiful countryside with the leaves just turning and arrived in Boston where Richard met us and helped us “schlepp” our multitude of suitcases on the train and tram to their house to be greeted with smoked…
Read MoreShabbat Shalom from Fort Lee
121005 5th October 2012 Dear Friends Shabbat Shalom We are not sitting on the veranda nor are we preparing Shabbat, not even salivating at the aromas of ethnic Jewish foods wafting from our neighbours……….. we are in Fort Lee New Jersey at the home of our unbelievably kind hosts Drs Rivka and Michael Bertisch Meir.…
Read MoreYom Kippur 2012
120924 24th September 2012. “The Middle East is replete with both new and old threats. One should not underestimate these threats, but not be alarmed by them either. Israel is stronger today than ever.” — Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel It is almost Yom Kippur or Yom haKippurim – the Day of Atonement. My…
Read MoreShana Tova 5773
120916 Dear Friends, dear loyal friends – Shana Tova 5773 Looking back over the last year I want to apologise if at any point I have offended you or said or written anything that may have hurt you or your sensibilities. It is my intention to inform but I am human and occasionally my emotions…
Read MoreShabbat Shalom from Jerusalem
120914 14th September 2012 Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova! I just heard a joke – Doctor tells patient “I am afraid you have hypochondria” Patient “Oh no not that sickness as well” Our world is currently very sick and a hypochondriac to boot. The world has become an upside down place and Nero is fiddling while Rome…
Read MoreShabbat Shalom letter from Jerusalem
120907 7th September 2012 The seventh of September is a very, very special day for me because it is the day I became a Mother. 7th of September 1969 my incredible son Daniel was born and he has been enriching and warming my heart every day since. Happy birthday beautiful man. Now that I have warmed my…
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